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Chiropractic Adjustments: Where is this noise coming from?

Chiropractic Adjustments: Where Does This Noise Come From? Professional manipulating the wrist of a patient

In this article we will explain why the noise when they are done chiropractic adjustments What about the clicking noise associated with certain types of chiropractic adjustments? Isn't creaking in your joints supposed to be a bad thing?

Not all chiropractic adjustments involve a joint cavitation (the escape of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide that releases joint pressure). Some settings use a table or the aid of instruments where no cavitation is experienced or appreciated. Those that do, however, are no less safe, comfortable and effective when it comes to reducing spinal fixation, eliminating nerve interference (subluxations) and improving your health. In fact, at John Hopkins University it has been shown that joint cavitation (specifically in the hand) does not contribute to the formation of arthritis, as grandmas around the world mistakenly believe!

When you hear the noise of a professional setting, it is something like the pressure release that occurs when you open a bottle of Champagne. It's just like having a party on your spine!

Basically, with less pressure, the joints move better, align better, and you just feel better.

In our chiropractic center of Barcelona We have professionals specialized in treating and preventing any type of ailment. Contact us and we will clarify any questions about our services. We will be happy to assist you. We are specialists in treatment of spine and combat stress. We also treat low back pain, kyphoscoliosis, all kinds of subluxations and cervical or lumbar impingement.

Chiropractic is completely safe and natural, does not use drugs and is supported by multiple research studies, such as the World Health Organization (WHO).

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