spine adjustments
What is chiropractic?
People who benefit from chiropractic usually go for reasons such as: stress, neck pain, back pain, migraines, headaches, fibromyalgia, herniated discs, sciatica, lumbago and scoliosis... Chiropractic adjustments are applied when these symptoms occur in people who come to our center. We are your chiropractor in Barcelona.
Chiropractor makes adjustments to the spine. It is safe and natural, does not use drugs and is supported by multiple research studies, such as the World Health Organization (WHO). Precisely the World Health Organization (WHO) defines Chiropractic as the Health Profession. That's why we want to be you chiropractor from Barcelona.
This is what the WHO says about chiropractic: health profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects of such disorders on general health.
Most Western countries, both located in the European Union and outside it, also recognize Chiropractic as a health profession. Some examples of these countries are like France, Portugal or Italy, Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom. In addition, in all Nordic countries, chiropractic is part of the public health services. You can find more information about it on the page of the world federation of chiropractic.
In Spain there is Spanish Chiropractic Association (AEQ), was founded in 1986 and brings together the chiropractic graduates with a university degree issued by one of the chiropractic universities recognized by the European Council of Chiropractic Education. It currently has more than three hundred associates.
In our Chiropractic Center of Barcelona We have a team of qualified professionals. know all our services y make an appointment with the chiropractor to make a first assessment of the state of your body and the mobility of the joints.
An appointment can be made to request a first normal visit with a report from the chiropractor with a report included. You can also request chiropractic adjustment. Back pain and cervical pain are some of the most frequent causes for requesting a service at our center in Barcelona. If you want more information on this topic, you can consult our news section where you will find articles written by professionals from the center.
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