Family Chiropractic Barcelona

Chiropractic centers

Doctor of Chiropractic.


Timothe Breneliere. Chiropractor. Photo of the professional
Doctor of Chiropractic.


Book your appointment online

Choose your date and book your appointment directly with the doctors at one of our chiropractic centers. You can choose between first visit, adjustments or talk to help you in your day to day.

Facilities of the Family Chiropractic center in Barcelona. treatment room

Family chiropractic Barcelona

Chiropractic room. Dr Damien Mestre

Chiropractic Qgat

Our chiropractic techniques

Yoga MONPETITYOGA. Sacred Family. Barcelona. informative image

Integral yoga in Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

Practice Yoga in our center in Barcelona. From the base of Hatha yoga we intertwine different styles and techniques, to obtain all the benefits and the greatest absorption of this ancient practice.

Photo gallery of our chiropractic centers

In our chiropractic center of Barcelona We have modern facilities, with spacious rooms that allow the person who comes to their appointment with the professional to be comfortable. It is important for the treatment that the subject feels relaxed, chiropractic adjustments require adequate space to be performed in the most optimal way.

People who have back pain, lumbar or cervical impingement, sciatica or other types of pain often need to be on an appropriate and professional stretcher in order to be accurately examined. For them we have taken care of all aspects of our center, including decoration, paying special attention to space and colors, all designed for the comfort of the patient.