Chiropractor Barcelona

Chiropractic in companies

Because a healthier worker is a worker with better productivity

Chiropractic in companies

Chiropractic and its cost / effectiveness ratio

The benefits of chiropractic in the company. Mindful of this fact, many Spanish companies decide to implement Corporate Health programs, (health, exercise and comprehensive wellness plans) organized by the company itself for its workers.

And from this new model there are so many advantages for the employee ...
(better psychological-physical state, more satisfaction and more motivation), and for the company... (better image of the company, increased performance, productivity, decrease in the number of sick leave and absenteeism, and greater employee loyalty) .

We are you chiropractic center of Barcelona, also for companies.

Corporate Health with Family Chiropractic

We want workers to achieve a optimal health through specific adjustments of the spine and nervous system.

In addition to promoting a comprehensive wellness environment in our center (collaboration with a nutritionist, Mindfulness meditation program, yoga classes and family constellations), Family Chiropractic doctors They can also give corporate conferences specifically designed for companies in all sectors.

Book your appointment online

Choose your date and book your appointment with the doctors directly. You can choose between first visit, adjustments or talk to help you in your day to day.

Back pain

In Spain it is the leading cause of sick leave together with the flu.

It is one of the most important health problems: back problems will affect 60-90% of people during their working life.

A serious problem that not only affects our health, but also economically.

minus-low chiropractor Barcelona

Less casualties

Cost / effectiveness studies carried out by large insurance companies agree that chiropractic care cuts time off work in half, with the consequent benefit for companies.


In this matter, scientific studies have been presented that conclude that chiropractic care is more effective than conventional medical treatment for low back pain, neck pain and cervical headache.

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