Chiropractic adjustments: what they are and what benefits they provide

Chiropractic adjustments are the application of a specific force in a specific direction, acting on a locked joint.

The chiropractic adjustments consist of the application of a specific force in a specific direction, acting on a locked joint or with abnormal mobility. Through this technique it is possible to improve the mobility of the joint and gradually it recovers its complete normality. It is a safe and natural procedure. The main objective is to improve spinal function and the functioning and health of the nervous system.


What do chiropractic adjustments do?

Probably the biggest misunderstanding about chiropractic It has to do with the fit. As is natural, the chiropractors we think the fit is something quite special. 

The chiropractors understand that the root cause of many health problems comes from interference in the nervous system that is located throughout the backbonel. This often appears in the form of one or more vertebrae that are locked and do not move correctly. Many believe that a chiropractic adjustment puts the displaced bone back into the proper position in relation to the upper and lower vertebrae. 

In reality, bones are static structures; they move when a muscle acts on them. And muscles only contract when ordered by the nervous system. That is why Chiropractic is really a question of the quality of the nervous system, and not of the state of the spine. 

It is your body that carries out the real healing. The energy that I provide through adjustment simply helps to accompany the process. I use everything I know about spinal anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics to "associate" with your body wisdom. Repetitive visits help re-train the muscles as, over time, your own body can "correct" itself.

Contact with our chiropractic center in Barcelona to request any type of information about our treatments to take care of your health and prevent pain. Our team of chiropractors are specialists in spine, combat stress, neck pain and back pain. We also treat migraines, headaches, fibromyalgia, anterolisthesis, herniated discs, sciatica, lumbago and scoliosis. We will be delighted to assist you.

Benefits of chiropractic adjustments

The chiropractic adjustments have as their main objective the correction of one or more subluxations. In this way we will achieve that the symptoms disappear and that the general state of our body improves.

The main benefits derived from chiropractic adjustments are:

  • neutralization of pain
  • Recovery of normal mobility of the joints
  • Improvement in gross and fine mobility.
  • Correction of bad postures.
  • Improvement in the transmission of information from the nervous system
  • Regularization of the functioning of internal organs.

Also if we talk about the practice of a sports activity, chiropractic adjustments can achieve extra benefits such as:

  • Increased sports performance.
  • Performance improvement.
  • Injury prevention

Result of chiropractic adjustments

A good chiropractic adjustment can be very effective in treating low back pain, similar to more conventional treatments. Some studies also highlight that manipulation of the spine can positively affect headaches and other disorders related to the spine with neck and cervical pain.

Chiropractic adjustment usually causes in most cases, a deep sense of peace and even relaxation. Its effects can last even weeks. In addition to being able to provide a deep and restful sleep.


The duration of adjustments is usually variable. Normally the chiropractor usually suggests 2 or 3 short sessions a week at first. These sessions last approximately 10 to 20 minutes each. Once the results begin to be noticed, the treatment can be only once a week.

safe chiropractic

Chiropractic adjustments always bring benefits to both the nervous system and the skeletal muscle. These should always be carried out by a trained professional. Adjustments can be made on people of any age, from infants to the elderly. Also in women who are pregnant.

Chiropractic adjustments should not be requested in the following situations:

  • severe osteoporosis
  • Numbness, tingling, or loss of strength in an arm or leg
  • spinal cancer
  • Increased risk of suffering a cerebrovascular accident.
  • A known bony abnormality in the upper neck.

During chiropractic adjustments, the chiropractor can place us in specific positions to treat the affected areas. Sometimes we must lie face down on a special chiropractic table with an exclusive design. On application of force, the articular surfaces are briefly separated. This produces changes in the pressure of the fluid surrounding the joint. it is the so-called synovial fluid that often gives rise to a gas bubble that breaks. It is the famous crack that follows the movement of the joint. This noise should never be confused or associated with damage or injury.

Damian Mestre
Damian Mestre

Chiropractor in Barcelona. Diploma in Institut Franco-Européen de Chiropratique - Paris, France. Graduated from the International Chiropractic Sport Science Diploma (ICSSD). Specializing in AK, SOT, CMRT, BEST, Gonstead, KST, TBM.

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