Germs: Why Children Need Them

Research showed that exposing mice to various germs kept their immune systems adequately engaged.

A team of researchers from Harvard Medical School showed that exposing mice to germs in their early stages of life kept their immune systems (T cells, "natural killers") adequately engaged. This made them able to not overreact when encountering serious viruses and other microbes later in life. These cells help protect us from diseases like inflammatory bowel disease and asthma. But, if there are too many of them with a lot of time on hand, they can actually cause these problems.  

Germs: Very Serious Matter

More and more scientists believe that the rapidly increasing incidence of food allergies, asthma, and other immune diseases is due, at least in part, to our modern obsession with cleanliness. These illnesses are becoming more prevalent because young children are not exposed to germs from an early age. We work so hard to prevent this exposure with antibiotics, antibacterial products, and soaps that we end up harming them.  

Parents are constantly being told to keep their kitchens spotless, to kill 99,9% of the germs lurking in their bathrooms, and to wash themselves and their babies all the time.  

This world of purity sounds good, but it doesn't fit how we've been designed. We're supposed to encounter some microbes and dirt when we're little. This is how we develop our immune system. We need a certain amount of crap as children to be healthy as adults. 

In our chiropractic center in Barcelona we have an experienced team of chiropractors specialized in treating and preventing any type of ailment. Contact Contact us and we will clarify any questions about our services. At Family Chiropractic, we do not use any type of medication. We work in a relaxed and friendly environment. We are specialists in the spine, combat stress, cervical adjustmentsmigraines Fibromyalgia, herniated discs, sciatica, lumbago, scoliosis. We will be delighted to assist you.

Timothe Breneliere
Timothe Breneliere

Chiropractor in Barcelona. Diploma in Institut Franco-Européen de Chiropratique – Toulouse, France.

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