Chiropractic as alternative medicine

Chiropractic is a profession with the main objective of diagnosing, treating and preventing disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

La chiropractic It is a profession whose main objective is to diagnose, treat and prevent alterations of the euro-muscle system. It also deals with all the disorders that these alterations can cause in the nervous system and health. The most common problems of these imbalances are found in the spine. To solve all the derived problems, chiropractic uses manual techniques with specific adjustments. The firm conviction of the chiropractor is that most of the disorders and alterations that occur in our body are due to the relationship between our nervous system and other systems.

Origin of the term chiropractic

"chiro” is a Greek term meaning hand. The literal translation would define chiropractic as “I did it manually“. His main technique is manual therapy. It focuses especially on the manipulation of the spine, although it usually treats other joints and soft tissues. The most traditional foundations of chiropractic are based on the fact that most of the problems and diseases of the human body originate in the spine and its malformations. These malformations, which chiropractors prefer to call subluxations, put pressure on the surrounding nerves and even block the flow of natural energy in the body. Correction or amelioration of these disorders produced through the nervous system improve or completely restore health.

Chiropractic is practiced all over the world and is regulated by law in more than 40 countries. It is proven that chiropractic care has infinite benefits for our body and that with it we can have a healthier life and solve many of our ailments.

It is especially recommended for people with back pain (common, simple or undefined). Also in neck pain and headache (migraine, migraine).

La World Health Organization (WHO) defines chiropractic as “the science, art and philosophy that focuses on providing the body with its maximum natural potential, allowing it to manifest greater performance".

What is chiropractic?

Chiropractic consists of adjusting the segments of the spine that are affected by vertebral subluxation. The priority objective is to return functional normality to the spine, eliminating all the alterations produced in the nervous system.

Chiropractors use light touches on a key point. In addition to lightly and gently pressing the affected joints. These types of techniques must be performed on tables with a specific design to make adjustments in different postures. Always according to the breath or specific movements, to be able to act in a concrete way on the spine, head or other parts of the body.

In general, nothing special is required to go to a chiropractic adjustment, nor are there serious complications associated with them. The only essential requirement is that we put ourselves in the hands of a trained specialist.

Family Chiropractic Team
Family Chiropractic Team

Family Chiropractic team. Your chiropractor in Barcelona with the supervision of Damien Mestre.

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