Migraines and their chiropractic treatment

Migraines are very intense headaches that can cause weakness and are mostly concentrated on one side of the head.

migraines are headaches very intense that can cause weakness. This type of pain is concentrated in most cases, on one side of the head. They can cause nausea or vomiting, tingling fingers, pain behind one eye or ear, as well as pain in the temple.

In addition, this disease can cause us to see spots or flashes of light, sensitivity to light or sound, and temporary loss of vision. There is no specific cause that produces migraine attacks that can be triggered by many different reasons. It is common that when someone comes to our chiropractic center in Barcelona with an impingement or subluxation, mention that he suffers from migraines and has not related it to something that the specialist can solve.


Migraines and their differences with other headaches

La spine and the brain are the main components of the nervous system. When we have imbalances due to stress, a tension is created in our body that results in numerous health problems... one of the most important is migraines.

It is evident that almost everyone has suffered from a headache at some time in their life. Most of these pains are originated in the cervical or by tensions in the back. The difference between a headache and a migraine is that the latter appear frequently and with a much greater intensity of pain. Unlike normal headaches that are usually caused by colds, flu, or other illnesses, migraines are caused by mechanical problems in our spine.

Most migraines are caused by diet, stress, or even biological predisposition. We mistakenly believe that migraines are caused by food allergies, high blood pressure, or other injury-related factors. It is also possible that migraines have a genetic or hereditary origin, but they can and should be treated appropriately. We are going to know some of the most common causes that can cause migraines.


Among the main causes of migraines we have:

  • Changes in sleeping habits
  • alcohol ingestion
  • Exercise or other physical stress
  • caffeine withdrawal
  • Changes in hormone levels during a woman's menstrual cycle or with the use of birth control pills.

In addition, there are some foods that are prone to causing migraines such as chocolate, dairy products especially certain cheeses, products with monosodium glutamate (MSG), foods that contain tyramine, fruits, meats that contain nitrates, onions, peanuts and other nuts and seeds. Also processed, fermented, marinated or marinated foods.

These factors are really decisive. They can even cause vascular constriction, causing the blood vessels to shrink and supply less blood to the brain, thus achieving a reaction similar to that which occurs when we have a hangover.

How are migraines recognized?

Migraine, unlike other headaches, has the characteristic of providing punctures on only one side of the head that can last for hours or even days, causing a throbbing sensation that worsens with movements and daily activity.

In other cases you become very sensitive to light and noise. The only way to reduce pain is usually to lie in bed in the dark and quietly. Experts in the field indicate that there may be a real risk of a stroke for those who suffer from migraines since childhood. Women are more likely than men to suffer from migraines and if these women suffer from visual distortion their risk of having a stroke is greater.

Chiropractic as an effective treatment against migraines

Chiropractic is very effective for the treatment of migraines. The reason is that the chiropractor focuses on working on the balance of the body and eliminating the pressure that is exerted on the nerve. Chiropractic treatment consists of getting to the root of the problem and achieving a state of comprehensive health. People who suffer from this pathology experience a frequent vertebral blockage of the cervicals, which exerts irritation on the nerves, these being the ones that control the function of the blood vessels.

The chiropractor will focus on a thorough review of the spine for the treatment of migraines. After examining the spine, the chiropractor may conclude that the headache is caused by misalignment of the joints or a fixation that irritates the nerve.

This intervention will always be much more effective than the temporary relief of pain through pills and drugs, since the problem will continue to persist. Thanks to chiropractic adjustments, the frequency of migraines can be reduced and also the intensity of the pain it produces. Now is when the adjustment must be made, which can be through:

  • massage therapies
  • Ultrasound
  • Muscle electrostimulation

The priority objective is to release the pressure exerted on the joint and the surrounding nerve. In this way an immediate relief of the headache is achieved.


Chiropractic is one of the best solutions for the treatment of migraines, thanks to its effects on the nervous system. One of the most positive factors is that it does not treat the symptoms of the problem, but acts on the root. It has no side effects as it is a natural, safe and effective alternative to drugs and their possible side effects.

Thanks to chiropractic adjustments, the patient suffering from migraine can achieve a great improvement in their headaches, both mild and severe.

Family Chiropractic Team
Family Chiropractic Team

Family Chiropractic team. Your chiropractor in Barcelona with the supervision of Damien Mestre.

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