Label subluxation

Subluxation is the name given to a joint that is displaced by stretching of the soft tissues. The consequence is that the nerves are trapped, which produces an interference in the transmission of impulses in the nervous system. This gives rise to physical problems of various kinds, with pain being one of the most frequent symptoms.

In chiropractic, one of the most frequently treated subluxations is vertebral subluxation. The most important is the one that can be caused in the first cervical vertebrae known as Atlas and Axis. Since they are the first interference in the nerves of the brain stem.

There are considered to be three types of causes of subluxations:

  • physical stress, due to falls or small accidents in childhood. In adults, it is usually due to inadequate posture, sleeping face down, sedentary lifestyle, inappropriate sports, etc.
  • mental stress, anxiety, worries of all kinds, in the form of muscle contractures.
  • chemical stress, diet with excess fat and protein, or poor water intake, together with toxic habits such as tobacco, alcohol can trigger the same problems. The correct one hydration it is always fundamental.

Do you have any questions? count on us we are you chiropractor from Barcelona.