Yes, yes, it is true, I must confess. The only thing the chiropractor does is unleash the inner healing potential of my patients, their "inner doctor," the genius that resides within each of us. It is your body that has taken care of the healing, and not the chiropractor.
Adjust vertebral subluxations it's like flipping a switch; it is just a catalyst, a starting gun that unleashes the powerful intelligence that controls and coordinates healing. The entire healing process takes place AFTER the adjustment.
Did you know that your body is continually interpreting the world around you and adapting to it? Process four hundred billion things PER SECOND! Or what is the same, 30.000 pages of information PER SECOND. This is impressive!
How many of these 30.000 pages do you think you are aware of per second?
1 page. And that's it. No more no less.
It is your innate intelligence that does it. It's what keeps you alive and adapting to the world. When you don't have subluxations, you are free to do your best.
This is the secret of chiropractic success.
Contact with our chiropractic center in Barcelona to request any type of information about our treatments (subluxations, pinching, cross bite, neck and joint pain…) and pain prevention. Our team of chiropractors are specialists in your health care.