Subluxations: What bump caused them?

Subluxations: What pothole caused them? It is a frequent question that patients who come to our chiropractic practice ask themselves.

Subluxations: What pothole caused them? This is a frequent question that patients who come to our chiropractic consultation often ask themselves… Doctor, what do you think caused this this time? Is it the way I sleep, or maybe it's the Stress at work? To be honest, without a camera watching your every move 24 hours a day, it’s hard to say.

Trying to determine what specific activity caused your subluxations is like trying to figure out which bump in the road caused your car to lose direction and stop going straight. Everyone contributes to it. And driving in fear worrying about all the rocks, cracks in the asphalt and gutters that your car travels will only make you more stressed. 

Instead of worrying about every situation that could cause your spine to lose its alignment, it is healthier to have regular check-ups and adjustments. Physical, mental and chemical stress is part of daily life. 

Chiropractic care simply helps you overcome all the bumps that you are going to find in the end.

In our chiropractic center in Barcelona we have professionals specialized in treating and preventing any type of ailment. Contact Contact us and we will clarify any questions about our services. We will be delighted to assist you. We are specialists in treatments of subluxations and combat stress. Chiropractic is totally safe and natural, it does not use drugs and it is supported by multiple research studies, such as the world health organization (WHO).

Damian Mestre
Damian Mestre

Chiropractor in Barcelona. Diploma in Institut Franco-Européen de Chiropratique - Paris, France. Graduated from the International Chiropractic Sport Science Diploma (ICSSD). Specializing in AK, SOT, CMRT, BEST, Gonstead, KST, TBM.

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